Posts Tagged ‘obama queen’

President Obama’s Royal Etiquette Mishap

May 30, 2011

Even heads of state make etiquette blunders—especially when royalty is involved. Last time the Obamas visited Britain’s royal family, the First Lady ruffled feathers by touching the Queen (a big no-no, apparently). Last week, it was the President’s turn to cause a minor breach of protocol by talking over British national anthem.

Here’s how it happened: While addressing dinner guests, Pres. Obama said “I propose a toast to her majesty, the queen.” Unbeknownst to him, these words were a cue to the band, who began playing “God Save the Queen.” He had no choice but to finish his speech by talking over the music, as guests stood in salute. The Queen herself did not raise her glass until the anthem had finished playing. 

Of course, you could argue that the band was to blame for the mishap. Still, if I were Pres. Obama, I would be very upset at my international protocol team. It would have been prudent of them to have had the speech approved by someone with a wealth of experience on royal protocol in order to avoid any etiquette breaches.

If you’re travelling abroad, I urge you to brush up on the country’s culture and etiquette guidelines. Making certain gestures or greeting someone with a particular hand can be considered a major slight in some regions. And while it’s unlikely you’ll have to give a speech toasting the Queen, having a good grasp of local customs will help you avoid an unpleasant encounter.

Michelle Obama & Queen Elizabeth Hug It Out

May 18, 2009

obamaqueenRemember that big brouhaha a while back when First Lady Michelle Obama was accused of committing etiquette suicide by hugging Queen Elizabeth? Now sources close to Her Majesty have told Barbara Walters that the Queen made physical contact first, and so Mrs. Obama put her arm around the Queen as a natural response. Etiquette crisis averted!

What I find even more interesting, however, is the topic of conversation between the two: SHOES! Yes, even the Queen likes to dish about her favorite footwear. No matter who you are—a Queen, the President’ wife, a professional woman, or a stay-at-home mom—one of woman’s passions is shoes!

It just goes to show that even the most intimidating people can be approachable if you make an effort to draw them into conversation. Think about that the next time you’re at a cocktail party with the higher-ups. Everyone has a passion or hobby that they love to talk about—baseball, travel, their kids… Break the ice by paying attention to the details and asking positive questions about their interests. Don’t interrupt or steer the conversation to yourself—just listen!

And, of course, congratulations to Rachel Alexandra!